The school's motto "LOVE ONE ANOTHER" is the cornerstone around which the character and personality of every child is moulded. The school visualises an educational system based on instilling cardinal values, pursuit of excellence in all things and service to humanity. Thus as the students step out of the sacrosanct precincts of their alma mater they are armed with faith in themselves, belief in goodness and righteousness, fortitude to face the buffeting winds of change and a desire to serve humanity.We commit to Create a school climate where values of love,freedom and sincerity along With the moral values of conscience and commitment are experienced and lived out by all.We are passionate about offering children are exciting, Stimulating rich curriculum based on real reasons for learning.Every Child has opportunity to meet their potential and develop the academic Creative, social and spiritual skill in a shaped environment that will enable them to fulfill happy and prosperous life .


Our vision is to develop well-rounded, confident, and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. RAPID SHAKUNTALAYAN SCHOOL, the top school in Bodhgaya,Gaya Bihar, will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment where everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.