Chairperson Message

Mr.Mamta Rani
(Chairperson )

Dear all, I wish you the blessing of a positive attitude, and this is what we also try to build in our students. We, at the RAPID SHAKUNTALAYAN SCHOOL, strive to provide a platform where a child is holistically educated, encompassing physical (physiological), mental (cognitive), social, emotional (psychological) and spiritual growth. We aim that our students became a resource for tomorrow. We accentuate learning by synergy and collaboration and this surely comes with a positive attitude towards life. Every student at Somerville is given a voice and avenue where they are able to express their knowledge and dream big and achieve big. The aim of our schools is to promote a system of integral education in a congenial child-friendly environment that emphasizes the unity of all knowledge, synthesizes humanity and sciences and recognizes the fact that each child is unique. We believe that education should enable the students to soar high - morally, socially and spiritually. We believe that our students need to learn that the secret of success and contentment lies in discovering one's own strengths as well as limitations. There is, therefore, every reason to place a renewed emphasis on the humanistic dimensions of education, enabling each person to grasp and appreciate the individuality of others, and to discover one's own self through an inner journey whose milestones are knowledge, introspection and humility. This should guide educational thinking in conjunction with other holistic objectives. At RAPID SHAKUNTALAYAN SCHOOL, priority is also given to the teaching of critical thinking skills such as reasoning and problem solving, to help our students develop the ability to reach sound conclusions based on observation and information. Our school curricula also allows our teachers the flexibility to adopt innovative methods to stimulate interest and attention among the students and develop in them an appreciation for the values of the past, the excitement of the present and the challenges of the future.